Call for Papers!
How to Submit
You are invited to submit proposals for papers, oral presentations, lecture demonstrations, performances, exhibitions or workshops on the conference theme or any of the sub-themes listed below:

Conference Sub-themes:
- Marcus Garvey Word Come to Pass (Burning Spear): Identity as Resistance
- Black Skins, White Masks: Removing the Hindrances at the Periphery, Taking the Arts to Centre-stage
- Dance a Yaad, Dance Abraad: Leveraging the Global Recognition for Regional Cognition.
- Beyond Chalk and Talk: Resourcing Sustainability
- Repairing the Damage, Returning I to I-self, Lessons from Stuart Hall’s Negotiation of Caribbean Identities
- At a Loss for Learning: Our Future and the Threat of Endangerment.
- Healing in the Balm Yard: The Challenge of the Constant State of Schizophrenia to Cultural Rediscovery.
- All God’s Children: Who Is the Fairest of Them All?
- Transforming Self and Community in Caribbean Ritual and Festival Traditions
- 60/61 and the Revival in My Soul
- Sorry Kean Buy Solja Lorry: Haiti/Ayiti and the Cry for Restoration of its Glory
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and should include a title along with a brief outline of the presentation. Abstracts must also be accompanied by a brief biography of 150 words. This should be emailed to with CALL FOR PROPOSALS as the subject or use the conference submission form.
Register Now!
For the Biennial Rex Nettleford Arts Conference 2023. Come and witness local, regional and global voices of artists, performers, art educators, policymakers, researchers and Arts practitioners.